Here is a Halloween song for your enjoyment:
Happy Halloween from Swords for Fighting,
Swords are for fighting,
The Book Blogger Hop is here! It is hosted by Crazy For Books, and here is this week's question:
"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?"
Answer: I would love to have a room dedicated to being the library of the house. It would have built in bookshelves that would go from the floor to the ceiling. It would also have one of those cool rolling ladders so I can reach all of my books. Of course, there would have to be a bunch of comfy chairs and couches, a fireplace, and maybe a large window with a nice, comfortable window seat.
Swords are for fighting,
"But judging by the sneaky little smile Xavier had just shot in Aria's direction, maybe he didn't mind her interpretation much at all. And that made Aria very, very happy, indeed."
The Book Blogger Hop is here! It is hosted by Crazy For Books.
This week's question is:
I love to read in bed! It is just so comfy and relaxing. I also like to read outside surrounded by trees and grass.
If you are participating or you found me through the Hop, please leave me a comment. Have a fun Book Blogger Hop Friday!
Swords are for fighting,
What is your teaser for this week?
"She felt the rush of air that meant he'd already taken off. Her heart went after him as she opened her eyes and saw the last trace of his wings disappear inside a cloud, into the dark night."
This week's question is:
If you are participating or you found me through the Hop, please leave me a comment. Have a fun Book Blogger Hop Friday!
Swords are for fighting,
"He looked up at them and snarled, and she saw the hard glint of fangs.
She hurried to the door at the top of the stairs."
The Book Blogger Hop is here once again! It is hosted by Crazy For Books.
This week's question is:
What's your favorite beverage while reading or blogging, if any? Is it tea, coffee, water, a glass of wine, or something else?
My favorite beverage while reading or blogging is water, but if it is early in the morning coffee is my go to beverage.
If you are participating or you found me through the Hop, please leave me a comment. Have a fun Book Blogger Hop Friday!
Swords are for fighting,
"'What have you done?" Connor rasped. "Why have you done this?" He shook his head, then opened his mouth once more and let out a deep, keening wail.'"